Terms and Conditions

You agree to waive your right to return in case of the purchase of a downloadable product.

All intellectual property rights of this site, including the music offered, belong to Annard Vroon. A download of music means, you receive a license to use the music for personal use. Commercial use of the music is only allowed after permission of Annard Vroon or any party to which Annard Vroon has transferred license rights.

These Terms and Conditions are governed by Dutch law. Only a Dutch court is competent in case of a dispute. In the case of an infringement of any intellectual property right belonging to Annard Vroon, any court in any jurisdiction that Annard Vroon chooses, is competent.

I am obliged to provide a link to ODR: https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr. I do not intend to use it.

The identity of this business:
Annard Vroon
Postbus 144
The Netherlands
E-mail: info@annardvroon.com
KvK number: 88980464
VAT/ BTW number: NL004678707B89